Aug 24, 2012

welcoming committee

A friend who was a few years below us at Chapel Hill just moved to NYC, and really, what better way to welcome a friend than by roasting a chicken in her honor? I have been wanting to try Ina Garten's Roast Chicken for years, and it was definitely worth the wait. I cooked mine in a slow cooker since I knew I would have to rush home from work and didn't want everyone to have to wait to eat until 9pm - but otherwise stuck to the recipe pretty closely. Served with some cous cous and a vegetable gratin and accompanied by never ending bottles of rosé - it was a tasty little meal for our new New Yorker!

 [squash, zucchini and tomato gratin]

 [slow cooker made the chicken fall apart a bit too much - but it was tasty]
 [this is a good one ;)]
 [welcome, carolyn!]
[the best dessert ever - tate's cookies topped with steve's icecream]

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